Age: 26
Relationship Status: newly single :/
Birthdate: 7/1/1982
Birthplace: Treyville, IN
Residence: Indianapolis, IN
World Ranking: Indy's best freaking lawyer ever cuz
I represent dogs whose poop smells too bad...YEAH!!
Height: 6'4
Plays: basketball w/ Todd
Sponsor: Indiana Bar Association...HAHAHA to
them when I get sued!!!! (just kidding)
Racquet: nope
Hobbies: um, well that would be a good question. I
think I need to find some.
Interesting Facts: I just passed the bar exam last
summer and have been working as a lawyer for
about 5 months in Indy. Last fall my girlfriend
Hilton and I broke up and if I'm honest I'd have to
say I'm still totally heartbroken over it. But we're still
friends and roommates, so that's good. I think. She's
gone most of the time cuz she travels for work, so
we'll see how the year goes. My other roommates
Jill and Todd and their daughter Adria are looking
to move, so not sure what's gonna happen when
they do.